Receiving invitation to start sharing folders from other member:

Click on the underlined links.

  1. Special e-mail messages from your teammates generated by ShareO (ShareContacts, ShareCalendar) should arrive into your Inbox folder. Please do not delete them manually and wait for the program to process them.
  2. A special form (Select Target Folder) appears:

Select Target Folder

  1. Choose a destination folder where the shared items will be placed from the following four folder structure scenarios, most suitable for your needs (for screenshots click on the links below)

    1. Subfolder (recommended for simple sharing of your data):

      The program will create a subfolder under your main folder; i.e. for a shared folder named "shared folder", the path with e-mail items will be:  \Inbox\shared folder; with calendar events: \Calendar\shared folder, etc.. We also recommend this choice if you wish to make public folders structure for your company, such as: Public (Group) Calendars, Contacts, shared documents, discussion groups (Forum), etc...
    2. Main (Default) folder (recommended for synchronization of main folders between your own PCs):
      Select this option if you want to receive shared items in your main personal folder. In this case, the items of this main folder become also shared/synchronized with other users (PCs); i.e. for shared email items: \Inbox, Calendar events: \Calendar, Contacts items: \Contacts, etc...
    3. Folder Structure:
      Select this option if you want all folders received from another sharer to appear as a separate sub-folder structure; i.e. \sharer's name\Inbox, sharer's name\Calendar, etc...
    4. Custom folder:
      Select this option if you want to receive all shared items in a folder of you choice.


  1. Click "Accept" button to apply your selection.

Please be aware that:


